Corporate Profits

By pledging a portion of corporate profits to KIDTHINK, you make generosity a fundamental piece of your corporate identity while making a major difference in the lives of children and families.

Why take a pledge?

The three Cs of Pledge Making:


Making commitments inspire organizations to stay the course with their goals and operate in accordance with their values.


Being a member of a community with other organizations with similar values is a great way to build a high-quality network.


Making and publicizing a pledge to give inspires other organizations to do so too. In order to realize our vision of a Canada that meets the mental health needs of all children, charitable giving needs to be a cultural norm.

Some common questions about pledging profits:

How much should I pledge?

It’s key to pledge only what you can. A trial pledge for at least 1% of profits for a period
of your choice is a great way to start. Please complete the pledge form below to begin
the process.

Is a pledge legally binding?
What if things change for my company?

Pledges are in no way legally binding. They are commitments made voluntarily and
enforced solely by your own conscience. In some circumstances, it may be best to resign from your pledge if circumstances change and that is completely understandable.

Am I required to donate regularly?

The concept of the pledge is to donate regularly. However, when it comes to corporate
pledges, flexibility is often crucial. We understand entirely if the pledge can only be
partially fulfilled or has to be forwent in any given year.


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