There are many ways to support the Annual KIDTHINK Radio-thon.

Sponsor the Radio-thon

The 2020 Radio-thon would not have been such a success if not for the support of our generous sponsors:
Top Radio-thon Sponsors
By sponsoring the KIDTHINK May 7th Radio-thon, not only does your corporation see incredible value by
means of the all-day radio coverage mentioning your support, 100% of that which you pledge goes straight
to supporting children’s mental health in Manitoba! If you would like to become a sponsor of this year’s
Radio-thon, please contact us using the form below!

Donate to the Radio-thon

After surpassing last year’s goal of raising $100,000, we set the goal for this year’s event at $150,000!
The bar below tracks the progress of this year’s fundraising. We ask that you please consider
contributing. No matter the amount, your generosity is sure to make a positive impact in the lives of
Manitoba’s children and youth.

Purchase a Mental Health Gift Box

As part of the May 7th Radio–thon, KIDTHINK has a selection of gift boxes available, all designed to help
your mental health! Each is filled with a variety of products and / or services that you are sure to enjoy.
They are available at several price points ranging from $25 to $500!

Click here to shop the mental health gift boxes.

$500 - Mental Health Gift Box

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$200 - Mental Health Gift Box

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$100 - Mental Health Gift Box

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$50 - Mental Health Gift Box

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$25 - Mental Health Gift Box

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The Radio-thon would not be possible without the support of dedicated and passionate volunteers. If you would like to inquire about volunteer opportunities, please fill out the form below.

Contact Us

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